Thursday, January 9, 2014

What's in a Web Application ?

General Structure

Most Web Applications will have a data storage component, a web server component, and a client-side component.

Data Storage is often done using a database but one could use an XML or CSV or any kind of structured text document all the same.

The Web Server is necessary to answer HTTP (web) requests and can also be used to tailor the HTTP response, usually by letting a program control the contents of the response entirely.

The contents that are received by the browser then form the client-side component, which is the only visible part and can be more or less complex depending on the design choices.

What's a Web Application ?

What is a Web Application ?

Almost every website is a web application nowadays.

Anything that uses web technologies (HTML (+JS/CSS)) and has dynamic content is a web application.

Dynamic content means that the HTML page is generated by an application based on data that is susceptible to change, like a google search page, or a facebook profile.

What isn't a Web Application ?

Following that definition, the only websites that cannot be considered web applications are static HTML documents which are not influenced by user interaction, like a "website under construction" page.

What can a Web Application do for you ?

Every application that can be a web application is always better as a web application, thanks to data centralization and major increases in simplicity and agility in the development process.

Some applications cannot be made into web applications though, such as those that need 3D graphics or instant feedback, such as video games, CAD programs and Computer Assisted Surgery equipment for example.

An application using such technologies will still make use of other Web Applications though, for game progress storage, multiplayer games, online or networked CAD file management, and in general any kind of data management.